Description de la formation
Focus on innovation with brand and digital marketing strategies leveraging insights from the luxury industry.
During 6 weeks of deep exploration of key insights from the luxury industry, you will grow your skills in brand and digital marketing strategies and you will learn how to establish a strong brand position focusing on innovation and a strong customer-centric approach supported by digital.
Objectifs visés
Cette formation a pour but de vous former aux thématiques suivantes web marketing, luxe. Pour en savoir plus n'hésitez pas à contacter l'organisme.
Programme Contents
Decoding and understanding luxury consumers strategy
- Who is the luxury consumer and how does s/he behave
- Millennials and upcoming Generation Z – what should we know?
- Key luxury markets and how do they differ
- Future trends in the luxury industry
Mastering the fundamentals of luxury brand and digital marketing strategies
- Pillars of luxury brand management -Creating a brand DNA and Brand codes
- Power of storytelling – online and offline
- The importance of customer experience: from digital to physical
- Understanding the consumer on-line [and off-line] journey
- Differences between Asian and Western consumers when it comes to content and device consumption
- From e-commerce to mobile and social commerce
- Understanding digital marketing strategies for all stages of the customer journey
- Retention (loyalty program & crm): managing qualitative and quantitative data
Leading brand transformation: Focus on Clienteling 2.0
- Leading brand transformation: Focus on personalization & relevance
- Leading brand transformation: Focus on Sustainability
- Leading brand transformation: Focus on Supply chain
- How to integrate the global ecosystem of a luxury brand (suppliers, craftsmen…) into a circular strategy?
English: minimum TOEIC SCORE 785 or B2 on the Common European Framework of reference
Candidates must have some notions of digital technologies.
Déroulement de la formation
- 100% online lectures
- Teamwork (top-level peer learning)
- Individual academic coach
Suivi et évaluation
- Self-assessment
- Evaluation & feedback
- Video projects
- Activity files & materials
Faire une demande
Révéler et valoriser vos talents à chaque étape de la vie professionnelle Campus de la formation continue de l’ESSEC Business School, l'ESSEC Executive Education se donne pour mission d'aider les professionnels et cadres dirigeants à développer leur compétences, et ce...
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