Description de la formation
This Executive Short program will give you deep understanding of how value is generated in the digital world on a platform based approach. Mastering Digital Business Models is an essential ingredient to tackle digital transformation and start creating innovative strategies for your business.
ESSEC professors have designed this program to provide managers with an expertise in platform-based approach in order to master digital business models.
This 100% online Short Program will provide solid strategic foundations along with operational skills for managers whose businesses are undergoing a digital transformation.
Prochaines sessions
Objectifs visés
Cette formation a pour but de vous former aux thématiques suivantes conduite du changement, management. Pour en savoir plus n'hésitez pas à contacter l'organisme.
Programme Contents
Master the fundamentals of technological innovation
- Explore the fourth technological revolution and its consequences
- Define the steps involved in a technological innovation from macro and micro perspectives
- Position your business and activities to successfully navigate the exponential curve
Understand the digital ecosystems and the opportunities they offer
- Define a digital platform and a digital ecosystem
- Analyse different platforms: one-sided and multi-sided platforms. Create a business model canvas in a digital environment.
- Learn how to monetise a digital platform (understand the importance of the network effect and value co-creation)
- Understand how to efficiently govern and manage a platform.
Learn the principles of responsible governance
- Understand AI and Big Data-related technologies.
- Embrace a responsible governance of digital business models
- Question and understand the scope of the socioeconomic power of GAFAM and BATX
English: minimum TOEIC SCORE 785 or B2 on the Common European Framework of reference
Candidates must have some notions of digital technologies.
Déroulement de la formation
- 100% online lectures
- Teamwork (top-level peer learning)
- Individual academic coach
Suivi et évaluation
- Self-assessment
- Evaluation & feedback
- Video projects
- Activity files & materials
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Révéler et valoriser vos talents à chaque étape de la vie professionnelle Campus de la formation continue de l’ESSEC Business School, l'ESSEC Executive Education se donne pour mission d'aider les professionnels et cadres dirigeants à développer leur compétences, et ce...
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