Description de la formation
Get recognition in innovative leadership to tackle digital transformation and generate innovative solutions to your customers problems. Master Design Thinking techniques and Agile Methods that enable you to constantly innovate and create disruptive strategies.
To have impact and tackle digital transformation in today’s interconnected world you need to master the methods and tools that help you constantly innovate in your industry.
ESSEC professors have designed this Executive Short program to help you explore and deeply understand design thinking process and agile methods and to apply them to your business.
Objectifs visés
Cette formation a pour but de vous former aux thématiques suivantes methode agile. Pour en savoir plus n'hésitez pas à contacter l'organisme.
Programme Contents
Understand and drive a design thinking approach
- Define what is the design thinking method and its 5-stage process
- Drive the empathize stage of design thinking method
- Drive the define stage of design thinking method
- Drive the ideate stage of design thinking method
- Drive the prototype stage of design thinking method.
Understand and drive an agile approach
- Explain and integrate the mechanisms that underlie the agile approach
- Describe and apply agile methods and practices
- Lead the agile transformation of an organization
- Scrum continued, Kanban/lean startup.
English: minimum TOEIC SCORE 785 or B2 on the Common European Framework of reference
Candidates must have some notions of digital technologies.
Déroulement de la formation
- 100% online lectures
- Teamwork (top-level peer learning)
- Individual academic coach
Suivi et évaluation
- Self-assessment
- Evaluation & feedback
- Video projects
- Activity files & materials
Faire une demande
Révéler et valoriser vos talents à chaque étape de la vie professionnelle Campus de la formation continue de l’ESSEC Business School, l'ESSEC Executive Education se donne pour mission d'aider les professionnels et cadres dirigeants à développer leur compétences, et ce...
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